Owen: Meredith…
Meredith: I made a promise to Christina, that I wouldn’t let you go dark and twisty. That I would be your person if you needed one.
Owen: I don’t want to talk.
Meredith: Okay. You don’t have to. But just tell me, do we hate him?
Owen: We hate him.
Meredith: Okay then we hate him.
Meredith and Owen, Season 12, Ep 7 ~ Something Against You

I hate goodbyes. I've always just disappeared. But this goodbye, this one deserves a last lingering look. - Jessica Jones, Season 1, Ep 7 ~ AKA Top Shelf Perverts

Stayed at work for another late night today and on my way home I noticed that The Habit near my house that has been under construction for the the past year has a huge Open banner hanging in front! My heart (belly) skips a beat. I immediately turn the car…

PY: i am not feeling this ruffle trend. Me: omg yes, the weird torso thing PY: i should be more specific though, i think. I am not feeling this “let’s place ruffles on the side of your torso and across your boobs and in ‘unexpected places’” trend Me: ? PY:…