Nyvo: Year One
The other day Yvo tags us in a photo of a bottle of bubbly that we got her during the bachelorette party. Reminding us of all the laughs and fun we had at her wedding about a year ago. This… Continue Reading
The other day Yvo tags us in a photo of a bottle of bubbly that we got her during the bachelorette party. Reminding us of all the laughs and fun we had at her wedding about a year ago. This… Continue Reading
Things are never easy and I understand that it takes a lot of work. All I ever wanted was for you to say you’d try.
We planned a month in advance. Simple plans, things to look forward to. Flights were booked, pick up time coordinated, preparation, happy chatter and expectations. All in hopes of 1 extra day. In my head, I had a list of… Continue Reading