This is well, me. Cheering about “TACOS!!!” last night. I’m kind of silly sometimes, but mostly serious . A fitting way to end my #100daysofpeopleandtexts. Started this project 34 weeks ago after having the worst cold I’ve had in a long time. Feeling awful and being trapped at home really got me thinking about what gets me out of a funk. It was then realized it’s the small and yet wonderful conversations that you get to share with strangers, acquaintances, coworkers and friends on a daily basis which makes every bad day seem better. Whoever said you shouldn’t bottle up happy moments for a rainy day is a moron. This project is my bottle for this period of time and when I look back on all the moments I’m happy to have captured them, as I tend to forget the details as time goes by. Thanks to everyone who partook in my endeavor and allowed me share a slice of our conversations, how you’ve impacted my life, along with letting me take a portrait even when some where vehemently against having their picture taken. 100/100