Abandoned LA Zoo – Los Angeles, CA

Weekends are for trespas… I mean exploring the roads less traveled.

Just when I thought I had done “all the things” in LA, on this recent trip we discovered the old Griffith Park Zoo.

Griffith Park Zoo was a city-owned zoo in Los Angeles, California that opened in 1912 and closed in 1966 with the opening of the Los Angeles Zoo. The abandoned site of the Griffith Park Zoo, complete with the ruins of animal enclosures, is now a picnic area and hiking trail in Griffith Park.

There are groups of cages where you have to go up a stairwell to see, and one of the doors is open so that you can walk through a graffiti laden hallway to see the really small enclosures where the animals were kept.

Then just above the area with the cages a short hike away is a small abandoned building with loads of colorful graffiti and possibly a noose? Gah!

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