The Walking Dead – Someday
Michonne: What does it mean? Deanna: “Someday this pain will be useful to you.” -The Walking Dead, Season 6, Ep 8 ~ Start to Finish
Michonne: What does it mean? Deanna: “Someday this pain will be useful to you.” -The Walking Dead, Season 6, Ep 8 ~ Start to Finish
Scully: Was I just an incubator? Mulder: You’re never just anything to me, Scully. – The X-Files, Season 10, Ep 2 ~ Founder’s Mutation Man, Mulder is still the best. And ok David Duchovny, “why don’t you love me?” cause… Continue Reading
Ray: I can’t. I can’t live with someone putting a cap on my destiny. Spent my whole life working to be something greater, by becoming something smaller. And some guy comes along and tells me that being the Atom is… Continue Reading
Eastman: Your body’s here, but your mind is still there. There’s a door and you want to go through it to get away from it so you do, and it leads you right back to that moment. And you see… Continue Reading
Oliver: Look Felicity… Felicity: Stop. I cannot hear another lie. Oliver: It’s more complicated than that. Felicity: God Oliver, you are the only person on this planet that considers the truth complicated. Just to be clear, I don’t care that… Continue Reading
Merida: Does this mean I can ask what happened before I finally found you? Mulan: Well if you must know, I was trying to get over a broken heart. I waited too long to tell someone how I felt about… Continue Reading
In my line of work you need to know when to walk away. But some cases just won’t let you go. – Jessica Jones, Season 1, Ep 1 ~ AKA Ladies Night
Brian D: I signed up. I’m still in the system. The rules say I can play. Calhoun: Pffft. Who sold you that load of Molyneux? Huh? Round here I’m the dungeon keeper. My rules are in black and white. Looks… Continue Reading
Jessica: I stand in dark alleys and wait to take pictures of people boning. Luke: ‘cept you’ve been watching me like a hawk since you walked in. Jessica: Force of habit. Luke: Or, it’s your way of flirting. Jessica: I… Continue Reading
Alex: You miss Simon huh? Don’t tell anyone, but I really miss Ryan too. Raina: I guess no matter who you are or whatever you believe in, the holidays will still get you down. Have a safe trip back home.… Continue Reading