Say Goodbye

  • 12 chairs
  • 3 family
  • 4 crew
  • Incense
  • Wax Candles
  • Fog
  • Wind
  • Dirt
  • Wood
  • Shovels
  • Excavator
  • Chains
  • Plate compactor
  • Torch
  • Paper Money
  • Ashes
  • Grass

Took the incense performed three bows before placing them into the freshly uncovered dirt. There were no words.

You’re not supposed to look when things are being lowered.

During the tamping all I could think of was that grandma would think this was noisy. We went to lunch after, since you’re not supposed to go home straight away. I took my parents to one of my favorite Asian restaurants in the Bay Area, Shanghai Dumpling. Part of our order was late, so the restaurant brings us this huge braised pork shoulder. At that point my parents decide they like one of my favorite restaurants and it’s a brief moment of happiness. My dad sits down next to me and reads off the sign at the back of the restaurant. The first word in english is bun, the second word is dumpling, and the last word shop. Funny how even if places you frequent details like this are lost until someone teaches you.

Once we reach home we again stepped over ashes and have a sweet. My hair is filled with ash.

Head straight from my parents to the gym where I proceed to run for 30 mins and reminisce… the only things I can still remember are:

  • Avocados and sugar
  • Fresh squeezed orange juice
  • Freshly wrapped spring rolls and fried egg rolls

Thank you. Goodbye.

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