Finding the ~/Library File in Lion

At work, I just received a new MacBook Air! Oooh, sexy times. But being that I’ve been at my current company for about 7 years I wanted to clean out a lot of the cruft I’ve gathered throughout the years. That and the MBA only has 250 GB of HD space, and I was clearly over that on my MBP at about 300/500 GB full.

So after I deleted all the files I had on my desktop, I realized I still would need to free up a lot more space to be able to even transfer files over. Then I knew I wanted to delete some Applications as well as their leftover Application Support files since those never delete when you delete an app.

Going to my finder window for my user, I noticed… what? Where the hell is my ~/Library folder?

In Lion, they have hidden away the ~/Library folder so that normal users don’t jack up their settings. Quick google results show that all I needed to do was change the flags on the Library file to be not hidden.

Here’s some quick instructions on how to do the same:

1. Using Spotlight find Terminal and open that app:Screen-Shot-2012-06-02-at-3.05

2. In the command line type:

chflags nohidden ~/LibraryScreen-Shot-2012-06-02-at-3.013. Profit. There’s your ~/Library file again!


For me, this was hugely useful for deleting excess content. I never delete any of my emails, so my Mail Downloads folder was a couple GB worth.

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