Day 26: Entered this day as a zombie. Since our United flight was delayed we ended up getting back to SFO at 1:15am, Brian drove us back to Jen’s place in 15 minutes, but I still had my journey home to the South Bay. Arrive home and 2:30am. Whereby I unpacked everything and threw laundry in the hamper and put things back to their pre-trip placements while catching up on Arrow and Orphan Black. After which I prepped for Monday meetings, as I was pretty sure I’d be incoherent and forgetful in the morning if I didn’t. Ended up sleeping at 4:30am.
Woke up on my own at 7:30am and was surprisingly alert, so I pulled food out of the freezer to defrost for dinner and checked work emails to make sure everything was under control.
Went to personal training whereby Lisa helped me work out the terrible soreness I had in my outer leg muscles from all the walking we did in NYC.
The rest of the day was pretty hectic at work, spanning late into the night as well, so I didn’t have much time to reflect other than how much I was missing our leisurely walks, talks, and snacks in New York.

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