Day 27: In the middle of texting with Brian and Jen last night about how much fun we had, I passed out. My face planted squarely onto the iPhone at 10:30pm. I am convinced a hot shower will help swell and dissipate the face embossing.
Luckily hot water works well to smooth marks from my face. I rush off to work without checking much of the personal emails. Today was another busy day, especially since this morning right before meetings my computer declares that it’s out of hard drive space as well as server side mail space. The fan immediately hums in protest to me performing any actions and Safari rears it’s awful revenge by quitting itself. Great.
Get through most of my meetings without issue today, but am way backlogged on post meeting actions.
Luckily instead of staying too late to finish everything Eva is visiting from Sweden and has planned us a catch up happy hour. Upon asking where to go, I suggest Harry’s Hofbrau. I’ve always wanted to try this place as they have a full on turkey leg, a wide array of beers on tap, and I have a captive audience.
We walk in and this place is enormous. I settle in with a Apricot Wheat and we gab about Swedish ice hotels, a coworker that has rats in his house, owning cats, my recent string of bad dates, and work. A fun set of eclectic topics. Then this happens:

I love me some turkey leg. I get this at Disneyland and Northstar whenever possible, but now there is Harry’s Hofbrau that has it and it’s located right near my house. Tuesday night turkey leg? Not only that, my entire meal minus the beer is $9.99. Dream come true. I will be back.
During the meal I get 2 push notifications that items from ebay have sold totaling $30. A fun night at Hof has been covered. Awesome.
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