Don’t ask me how I know about Zombie Burlesque, I just do. Ok fine twist my arm, I’ll tell you. It was a beautifully designed, campy good time.
We used to have a yearly girls trip to Vegas, to partake in [REDACTED] activities. Since we go so often we were running out of new adventures to occupy our energies. Talking to Yvo about it on chat we concluded that we never go to shows. We’ve gone to shows for work trips, but on our trips we usually hit the spa, clubs, shopping and other unmentionables.
Personally I wanted to watch Britney or Mariah, or any “diva” from the late 90s to early millennial that is now relegated to performing in Vegas. Unfortunately when I tried looking up the shows during the tail end of CES, I found that “divas” take holidays during January.
Continuing my online quest, I scroll through Cirque du Soleil performances (I’ll be honest, I loved this in high school, but am so over it now), magic shows, and other staples of Vegas thinking I will know our upcoming activity when I see it. And lo and behold a proper use of Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s quote I find Zombie Burlesque.
Send Yvo the link and she looks at it with her discerning eye, “Um Jess, this looks kind of sketch.”
I pull up Yelp for the final word on the situation, to look at user posted photos. From the photos it looks quasi-legit yet still low budget, but still as if it might be fun for laughs. Not only that but Yelp has a 50% off promo code! Now we’re speaking my language. Fun for a value? Yes please! Furthermore we’ll get the VIP package for shits and giggles, after all we just saved a whole bunch, might as well class it up for Zombie Burlesquing right? Wait does that make any sense at all? Oh who cares.
Get to Planet Hollywood early and head up the back stairs to the VIP line up and are immediately seated in the 2nd row. When the show is about to start, I notice that the natives are drunk, I repeat the natives are drunk around us and mad heckling the performers.
Luckily the performers heckle back and are pretty campy hilarious. “Ooooh a row of Asian girls!” The host calls out to us. Followed by mockery of our peoples’ stereotypically bad driving skills, which we can’t help but agree to and laugh along with.
So if you’re ever in Vegas and want something unusually campy to do, go to Zombie Burlesque and be a VIP. It was fun and silly, oh and they give out free jello shots midway through the performance as well as a rousing backstory of how jello shots come to be.

When Vodka and Jello fall in lust, they have a special relationship…
Also from this adventure I now know how one shakes her ta-tas when the have tassels on them. Oh for always being able to learn new things from any adventure.